Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

Wife, mother, religious worker, national award-winning author and educator  The Ten Tips
  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
Reflection: Always telling the truth will only lead you to the correct path. People who always tell the truth or more respected and appreciated people. The have the trust of others and are more reliable to count on. If you always commit to the telling the truth then you will become in the habit of doing it all the time. People who are always truthful feel more accomplished and good about themselves.   
  1. Tell someone about your commitment.
Reflection: Telling people of your strong commitment will allow other people to see the great change you have considered to take apart of your everyday life. In doing this you can influence more people to become more truthful.

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony
Reflection: Being a truthful person means speaking with the truth and always being reliable. People who speak with irony or sarcasm can not always be reliable. They are not taken seriously and can be seen as a joke to talk to. try speaking with the truth and use less irony in your tone. This will improve the trust people will have with you. 

5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it. 
Reflection:  Always tell the whole truth do not leave out any information for this can impact the trust people can have towards you. A good way to have this be part of your life is by practicing to always be truth full when someone asks for your side of the story this will help you to always tell the truth. Leaving things out can be considered lying and people will not believe you. 

6. Don't indulge in little white lies
Reflection: Always be true to your self as well as others. People who constantly lie not people who can be relied on. They are seen as bad people and untruthful. be a person that can be relied on and never lie. even the smallest lie can make a difference. Start by changing every day, one less lie a day can improve your life.  

7. Watch out for silent lies
Reflection: Silent lies can sometimes not always be seen or heard. These can be the lies that truly impact a person. They make people become a lair and not trusted. In order to not be part of these silent lies, make sure that in your daily life you try not to lie to yourself even through you think its not hurting anyone. This can decreases your silent lies. 

8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
Reflection: We often find ourselves lying in situations when we do not know why we are lying. In these situations we must be aware of what is happening and quickly change our mistake. This can help us become truthful people all the time and catch our lying mistakes. Next time you hear yourself lying be sure you catch your mistake quickly. 

9. Talk to yourself
Reflection: In order to always be committed to telling the truth you must commit to yourself you will not lie. Making a commitment will encourage you to always be truthful to yourself and others. A commitment completed will always demonstrate your truthfulness. It will help you to be more accounted for and reliable. Stay true to yourself and make a commitment to be truthful. A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar- Mark Twain 

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth
Reflection: After you tell the truth you can pat your self in the back and congratulate your self for your great achievement. Always telling the truth is a great accomplishment one can be proud of. Pamper yourself and give your self a nice day for the best achievement you can conquer.