Friday, December 18, 2015

Class/ Self Evaluation

Class/ Self Evaluation
A. Now that this class is over there are a few things I did like about this course and things I didn’t like. I enjoyed having posts that would continue on for days. Such as the six ways to make people like you posts where they would be continuations every day. I did not enjoy having little time to complete this semester’s final. I believe with more time and patience then we could of done a better job in our final.
B.  To improve this class for next semester we could change the amount of time we spend on time out and can work instead on fun projects.
C. I believe I did a good job in this class, I learned many new things such as coding programs. At the start of the year I completed a coding programming that allowed me to learn the basics of what this year’s class would be like.

D. I am truly committed to being CTR person. Being a CTR person helps me in many ways for starters I will never have to worry about bad consequences. I also will be able to grow as a person and succeed more. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Six Ways to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you.........

Six Ways to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you.........
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
1) "Do this and you will be welcome anywhere."
2) "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
3) "Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering."
Reflection: To have interest in someone you must respect their believes and values. Always respecting their values will make you seem like a great person and this will open the opportunity for them to come close to you. Allowing people to see what a great person you are will show your personality top many people. Always let people see the good side of you not the bad. Never seem uninterested in someone’s life.
Rule 2: Smile
1) "Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you."
2) "You don't feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile."
3) "It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."

Reflection: Always having a bright smile on your face will demonstrate to people that you are very friendly. A smile can bring lots of warmth to people and affect them in a way that is very happy. Simple actions that are simple like smiling and saying thank you to people show how respectful you are and will bring a good attitude towards yourself. Whenever someone feels down a simple smile can make them feel better. People say a smile can be contagious, smiling simply brings people together. Always smile no matter what the circumstance is because a smile can make a huge difference. 
Rule 3: Remember names
1)   “A man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
2)  “If you don’t remember names, you are headed for trouble.”
Reflection: It is very important to always remember people’s names because this shows that you are informed and intrigued in the person. When you remembers ones name it shows people that you care for them and what they have to say. It shows a sign of respect and shows people that you truly care for them. Remembering names is the polite thing to do to people; it is rude for people not to know you by your name and even ruder to call them something else. 
a) Trust yourself
b) Seeing faces
c) Using sound tricks
d) Hear the sounds repeat
e) Seeing spelling visually
f) Writing it down
g) Keeping records

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage other to talk about themselves.
"If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
"Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems.

Reflection: when you become more interested in what people are saying rather than just paying attention to yourself then that will show the person you are talking with that you care about them. Being a good listener will show the person you are a caring person. They can learn a lot form your personality, such as things you like or your opinion on certain topics. Always listening will allow you to open yourself up to people which can help you see the perspectives of many people. As well as seeing if you have any common interest with these people. 
5 Tips for Active Listening
1. Stay focused- keep eye contact, don't judge, be patient
2. Really listen- don't worry about what you should say next.
3. Allow for periods of silence- wait until the other person speaks again
4. Repeat what they have to said or repeat certain phrases they have said back to them reassure you really care

5. Understand the emotions behind the words- can show you truly care and your connection.

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the others man’s interest
"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."

Reflection: Being respectful and acting with lots of attention to someone allows them to feel comfortable and open up to you. Talking with someone about what interests the like opens up many conversations to talk about. This allows you to see their side to many things and how they feel. Showing respect to their interest can also show what kind of person you are and if they are willing to be friends with you. Courtesy towards someone’s interest demonstrates your kindness and your interest. 

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.

"The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)"Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic."
Reflection: Making other feel appreciated helps create a closer bound to the person. They become to know your personality better and it shows them you are very caring. People who care for others will be known as good people with good hearts and they will always now to count on you. Making others feel cared for makes you seem very sincere and responsible. Whenever you seem to face a problem there will always be those people who you looked out for to be there in your time of need. Always be a helping hand this will help you in the long run.
Reflection: These are the six overall traits you must follow in order to make people like you. Never forget that kindness comes from within and people will be nice to you only if you’re nice to them. It might be hard at first to open up to someone but with time and practice people will get to know you better.



Friday, October 30, 2015

11-year-old sells secure passwords online for two bucks

11-year-old sells secure passwords online for two bucks

Passwords are part of our daily life and now an 11 year old in New York has created a system in which she creates passwords and sells them for just two dollars. Having a password that truly can protect our information is very vital so our information stay secure and protected from any random people. Mira Modi is a 6th grader from New York and she has started a system that creates secure passwords for people. She uses dices and rolls them then collects the number which she then interprets them into a letter. This method creates very easy passwords many users can remember, and that computers can’t crack. This method will soon be very helpful for many Americans dealing with theft and fraud. Simply two dollars can prevent you from becoming another victim. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Six Attitudes of High Achieves

“The Six Attitudes of High Achievers” John R. Noe 

1. Make no small plans

Reflection: Never settle for something less always strive for the biggest goals in life. Whenever you set yourself to small plans then small rewards you will get in return. Never underestimate the things you are capable of achieving, you can always achieve more if you set your mind to them. Setting your life to big plans will make you feel stressed out but the outcome will make you feel very accomplished and will make you like a big achiever. Make no excuses to creating big goals for yourself. Allow your mind to expand and for your possibilities to grow. The outcome is only has big as the income. Don’t allow your laziness to get the best of yourself. Open yourself up and become a very well planned out person with bug plans. The world is big for many outcomes. For example Bill Gates who set a huge plan to see his computers all over homes today in the world. Now there are thousands of homes using his computer inventions every day, not just in their home but as well as there work spaces have these computers. 

2. Do what they fear
Reflection: Never be afraid to do what stands out. People often fear people that stand out, whenever you are above the others this usually frightens people because they see you as competition. Do not stop yourself from doing what you want because of other people. Set yourself free from peer pressure and allow yourself to do whatever you want. Do what other won’t allow you to do or fear you do, this only allows yourself to grow more. Allowing yourself to branch out and do whatever you want allows you to do many new things. People that block you from not completing things you want are not people you want to spend time with. These people will only stop you from completing a journey you always wanted. 
3. Are you willing to Prepare?

Reflection: As we grow up we become more aware of the real world, we start to have more responsibilities. With these new responsibilities we must be prepared and capable of doing them all. Juggling with new responsibilities we must not forget to do other tasked and daily life tasks we also have to complete. When we arrive to High School we have the responsibility to keep our studies in priority as well as continue to have as social life. When senior year arrives we begin to have more responsibilities to prepare us for college. All they years of previous practices were all steps to take to get us prepared for college. Although many students do not take the previous years as practice and slack off. They begin to feel stressed out and begin to regret all the years they did not prepare. Don’t waste any time. Are you truly prepared for what is coming.
4. Are you willing to risk failure?

Reflection:Many people do not know but failure is part of growing and learning. Everyone must learn how to fail in order to stand right back up on their feet and learn from their mistakes. Learning from your mistakes allows you to see what you did badly so you won’t repeat the same thing again. People who are afraid to fail are usually people who try to be perfect in everything and do not own up to their failures. Learning to fail is something part of your life like learning to walk or read. You must learn how to take in failure to grow to be a better person. 
5. Are teachable

When people are willing to learn new concepts, they are allowing themselves to be taught. This can allow ideas and new perspectives to come into life. These new ideas and perspectives can be introduced to your everyday life. People do not automatically know the ideas to everything as soon as they are introduced to something new. These people are taught and told to practice this concept many times in order to succeed in it. To become a high achiever you must be willing to let someone teach you new concepts and practice them frequently. Otherwise you will not become an expert or a high achiever. High Achiever is a person who goes far and beyond the expectation and limits. Try being a High Achiever and let yourself be taught. It will make your life simply better and easier.
6. Have a heart

Reflection: People who have a heart will always look at life with a better perspective they will always be alert to many people and they will respect the values of everyone. Having a heart will allow you to worship everything and learn new things because you are being kind to others. High achievers are successful because they are willing to look for other while they are trying to succeed for themselves. Being a high achiever with a heart is allowing yourself to help other succeed to like you are planning to succeed.
Reflection: All of these attitudes will allow you to be a successful person and an over achiever. Applying this attitudes to your daily life will allow you to be a better person and succeed.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Way to be: Gordon B. Hinckely

Way to Be
9 ways to be Happy and make Something of your Life

Gordon B. Hinckley
  1.   Be grateful

Always be grateful for everything that you have and appreciate the little things in life. If you do this then you can live a happy life that will always make you feel good. Being grateful will make you feel part of life and make you value every little thing. Live life with a positive mind and be grateful.

Quote: “Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life.” Joel Osteen

 2. Be Smart

Being a smart person will make you live a happy life, always doing what is right and not choosing bad decisions will allow your mind to expand and something in life. Be smart and never let peer pressure influence you to do bad stuff.

Quote: "I never cut class. I loved getting A's, I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being on time is cooler than anything in the world." -Michelle Obama

3. Be Involved 
Always being involved will make you feel part of something. Being part of the world will make you happy.

Quote: "I don't think God cares a whole lot about the outcome, he cares about the people involved." Anon.

4. Be Clean
Being a clean person will make you be a better person being clean will always make you feel. Being clean help your self esteem and helps the environment. 

5. Be true

Always be true to yourself, being true will make you a person that never lies or never cheats. Tell the truth always to make you more reliable, People will learn to trust you more. 

Quote:Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
6. Be Positive 
Being positive will make you feel great in life. Always being positive will make you see life in a clear and better perspective. Starting today I will always appreciate my own work and try to always see things in a positive way. This will change they way I am and my life today. 

Quote: Positive Mind, Positive Vibe, Positive Life- ANON. 

7. Be Humble
A person who is humble will always care for others, being humble will make other people like and respect your personality. When you are humble you appreciate everyone's opinions and beliefs. This will make you feel better within yourself, you will see people with a better value and appreciate everything. 

Quote: Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or powerful. 
8. Be Still
Be a still calm person allow yourself to take in everything you can, allow yourself to open up to the world. By allowing yourself to take in more information you will be allowed to learn many new things, your world will open many opportunities. When people open themselves to new opportunities people lean many new things about themselves that they didn't know before. People get to learn new things that make them grow and they become very happy. Learning new things and opening up to new things will make you a better person. Next time your are alone or have some  extra time for yourself then just open up be still and let every bit of information be taken in. Allowing this will make you realize things in a whole new better perspective. 
Quote: "Once I knew only darkness and stillness... my life was without past or future... but a little world from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped into the rapture of the living." - Hellen Keller
9. Be Prayerful

Reflection: These past days we have been working everyday on a new way to be personal attribute provided by Gordan B. Hinckely. He provides nine successful ways on how to be a happy and be something in your life. These things are little things a person can do everyday to change their life in a matter of days. All these things he provided are simple and can really make a person become a new person. Practicing all these things won't just change you personally, but can also influence the people around you. Become a better happier person and practice a new way of life by simply changing the little things in life that you do. For example be true and humble not just to yourself but to everyone around you. This will make you feel happy and be a better person. Always choose the right no matter what situation you are in or how hard something might be. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Personal Development Attribute

Personal Development Attribute
A Smile: Having a smile can go a long way in someone’s life. People who smile will live life with more happiness and will be seen as a joyful happy person. Having a smile will make you see the world in a different more alive way and will make you feel good every time.

Quote: “A Smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” –Phyllis Diller

Reflection: whenever you have a bad day or something is going through a rough time of day a smile can make them feel better. They can forget about all the worries and negative things in their life and think that everything will soon enough be okay.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Personal Development Attribute

Personal Development Attribute
Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one.

Reflection: To have courage means you can do things many can’t do or are not willing to face up to. When you have courage to do something you face all your fears and obstacles and accomplish something you once had fear to do. People who have courage lead up to having a better life they can face many things without having the painful fear of failing or not wanting to face the challenges this new goal may bring. Having courage allows you to be more successful.